hello! i'm andie from crayonfreckles! i was so excited when lish asked me if i wanted to team up again! i think that she's a doll...and her photography is beyond gorgeous, isn't it?
this project is one that will end up being a Christmas present for my son's gramma. every year we all give each other a handmade gift. it helps our family to keep things in perspective and put meaning behind the gifts we give.
the idea for this project came from this illustration in one of our favorite books,
llama llama holiday drama.
do you see what llama llama is working on? that's the mosaic-inspired candle jar that we made. it's straightforward, easy to do, and has beautiful and unique results. all we needed was tissue paper squares, mod podge, and a clean glass jar.
what i liked most about making this was that there was not much i had to do. not that i mind helping... it's just important to me that Bear be able to look at something and say,
"i did that. i made that all by myself."
i held the jar and let him paint the mod podge on and go to town sticking the tissue paper squares down.
after the first layer dried, he put another layer of mod podge on it to seal it up. he didn't want another layer of tissue paper (as i had planned). but, his project = his choice.
and the result is so daRLinG. using a tea light in it would be fine since it's glass. but i think that we are going to pick up one of those fake tea lights for her to put in it.
and that's it. super easy. super cute. super personal.
thanks again to lish for letting me come over and share! stop over and visit me at crayonfreckles sometime and say hi! i have a guest post series on mondays that's called in {her} shoes. it looks at motherhood from various mommas' points of view. i also have a linky party on tuesdays! i'd love it if you dropped by sometime!

What a fabulous way to get the kids involved in present making! I love how your little guy is so eager!! I'm sure every Grandma out there would love to receive a handmade gift from their grandchildren! Thanks so much for sharing this with us Andie!!
This is so cute, love it! With the battery tea light would make a great night light for my kiddos room! Thanks for sharing
Love this What a fabulous idea, and the inspiration is so cool. My son Fin was Llama Llama for Halloween this year
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