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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Rainy Days

Dark rainy days either make me feel lazy and unproductive or they make me feel nostalgic and energetic...

Today's rain has made me remember my mom making cookies on a rainy afternoon...I was thinking of doing the same thing, but then I remembered that if I make them, I will eat them. So I scratched that off the list! But either way it was the memory that I liked. Whenever I see lights on inside someone's house during the day, I always think that they must be baking...weird, huh? (and no, I am not a stalker! Don't you look into other people's houses when they have lights on and no curtains are up?!!)

So today I am feeling nostalgic...

...remembering how I would look at the Wish Book for hours, making my Christmas Wish List.

...remembering dancing with my brother's in the living room to Michael Jackson's thriller (to a record, not CD!)...

...remembering scrapbooking for hours on a rainy weekend (pre-kids-obviously!)

I wonder what rainy days will make my kids remember when they are older?

What do rainy days make you think of?

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Oh gosh! You just brought so many memories back w/ the wish book. Mine was the Sears or JC Penny's wish book at my grandmas house.

On rainy days at our house (which is often living in Oregon) we like to get our rain gear on & go stomp in the puddles, have craft time, or sunggle up for a movie!