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Monday, August 26, 2013

Back to School Jitters...

In a weeks time, my oldest will be off to school! Eek...sometimes I don't feel old enough to have a kid in school, and then I can't believe that my 4 year old will be at school every day, all day...

In fact, I've been worrying myself crazy with questions...what if he doesn't make friends?what if he cries? what if he pees his pants? can he get his shoes on OK? I know, it's basically a bunch of what ifs, and I know my kid isn't the first one to ever go through this...but I hate change AND I know he's going to scream bloody murder when I drop him off with a room full of strangers...which in turn will make me cry...

We have been hanging out at nearby parks everyday trying to find someone his age that will be going to the same school...and no luck! I've been contemplating going door to door to find him a friend that will maybe make it easier! Or maybe I need to make a friend that will help me adjust, LOL!

I've been reading and preparing him as much as I can...and then I've been backing off with the school talk sometimes because I don't want to put a lot of pressure on him about it or make too big of a deal about it...

What about you guys? Are you a first time 'school mom' or have you been doing this for so many years that you send them off with their backpacks and don't look back?!

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1 comment:

Crochet Addict UK said...

My son cried quite a lot. They would have to pull him off me at the door. It broke my heart but 2 mins after I left he was fine. He made friends, the first yr is the best as they don't really have bullies till the next yr. If he wets himself they have spare clothes and they are used to it. Our 1st yr was the best. The 1st yr is quite enjoyable. Wish I could say the same about the rest.