This is the first afternoon nap in a week and a half that Gray has had. So what if he slept on the couch while watching TV, at least he slept! Confessions #2- I probably let me kids watch too much TV! But wouldn't life be wonderful if I could take a simple little nap in the afternoon?!
#3 I'm slowly learning to be more patient and forgiving. To laugh over accidents and not jump to conclusions.
#4 Dinky cars will be the death of me...ohhh...they hurt so much!!!
#5 I remember my mom making tons of clothes for me when I was little. I wish I could do the same for my kids. But for some reason it's so much more fun making dresses then pants. And I don't think that little boys are into wearing secret confession is that I would love to have a little girl to dress up!
#6 I'm learning that if I let go for a minute, I can actually have fun when a mess is involved. Like these purple bubbles (thanks mom!), they were an awful mess, but you know what, Gray did an amazing job at not making too much of a mess (although with me looking over his should every second-he really didn't have a chance too )

Love the little yellow bus...great set of shots so much fun. can't wait to see what you find next week.
Love your transportation shot! So simple and colorful!
I just love your whole set! That first photo of Gray napping is precious.
I really like the perspective of your "grain" shot...both in angle and your thoughts behind it :)
I love this post! You are awesome over there lady! Purple bubbles-- kind of like a play doh thing with me! AACK! And also my hubby who insisted SILLY PUTTY be in the Easter baskets! But like you say, it really is ok, just let it go- the kids love it!! And whatever makes them smile makes me smile! Cute post, thanks for the reminder! Jen
Oh I LOVE these pictures! You're so talented! And what a perfect reminder to laugh at the spilled cereal instead of letting it ruin your day!
Ahahah! Those small cars really do hurt - probably about as much as legos. Those things are all killer. And those purple bubbles look like so much fun!!!
And who doesn't want a baby girl to dress up!?!?
Thanks for linking up, Lish! Have a good week!
LOVE your confessions mama... I confess that I can SO relate w/ each one. Your pics are beautiful, as always! We would be such fab friends if we lived closer! (not that we're not friends... you know what I mean. lol)
Love that little school bus.
Nice shots - Yikes to Grain...LOL!
What a beautiful mess on grain.
We have had many "grain" spills in our kitchen. Never thought to photograph it = nice perspective! I think the bubbly pic is my favorite!
I love that last shot!
Oh how I remember cars and legos stepped on (ouch), spilled cereal, and bubbles! One day these will be awesome memories for you too! I also remember a saying when the kids were small--Be patience, God is finished with me yet! Little eyes are always watching our reactions. Love the photos oh talented lady!
oh gosh, I hate messes. and bubbles? should not be messy! that is crazy. but I'm sure my kids would LOVE them... great shots! I love the first "simple"
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